This website is dedicated to the memory of USAF General Chuck Boyd.  A true American Hero who served his county as a USAF Officer and Pilot over a 36-year career.  Gen Boyd was shot down over North Vietnam while flying the F-105 Thunderchief or Thud for short.  He was immediately captured and spent the next 2488 days as a POW.  Upon release in February of 1973, he finished his degree and rose up the USAF chain of command to eventually become the only former Vietnam POW to achieve the rank of Four-Star General. 

General Boyd retired from active duty in 1995 and began a search to purchase a civilian version of the old military trainer that he started his flying career in. He found a T-34 and immediately began the long process of updating the aircraft with modern avionics and he personally designed the "one of a kind" paint scheme. 

General Boyd flew his aircraft extensively for the next 11 years putting over 1000 hours and traveling the entire United States from his home airport in Warrington Virginia.  General Boyd made the very difficult decision in late 2021 to sell his beloved T-34 after his health started to decline.  I met General Boyd on a cold January day in 2022 for the "interview" and the chance of being selected to be the next owner of his beloved T-34. 

After shaking hands and agreeing for 
me to be the next caretaker of this very special aircraft, he handed me the logbooks and we agreed to meet again within the next few weeks to complete the deal.  Due to some persistent health issues with Gen Boyd, I wasn't able to see him again until early February.  After an hour of required dual instruction, he topped off the airplane with fuel and we shook hands with the understanding that I would be back in the springtime so we could go flying together in his beloved T-34.  

However, on the morning of 23 March, 2022, I received a text from a friend of mine stating that General Charles Graham Boyd had passed away peacefully that morning.  At first I was shocked and saddened.  However, after thinking of Chuck and his incredible life, I thought of all the adversity he faced as a POW, but yet those horrific seven years didn't define him. He said in many interviews over his life time, that he considered his life as having won the lottery.  He got to do exactly what he wanted to do, which was to fly airplanes!  Over the course of a 60 year flying career, he overcame many difficulties and challenges.  He approached life by looking forward and never dwelling on the past!  

I hope when I reach the finish line, I can smile rememoring just how fortunate I have been to have had the opportunity to achieve my lifelong passion of flying airplanes for as long as I possibly can!  My mission now and will continue to be, to keep the history of the Vietnam era POW's alive and relevant and to show off this beautiful T-34 aircraft to as many people as possible.

Thanks for visiting my website. I hope you take the time to explore the links, and possibly read some of the recommended books I've listed.
